Manufactured by Irmie Impianti
Shock Absorber Test Bench
• Tension and compression tests for springs, tubes and gas-oil or compression shock absorber, and vertical/horizontal Shock absorber
• Manual, semi-automatic and full-automatic testing
• Providing a variety of devices in demand, with a capacity of 5 to 60 tons
• Possibility to test the railway springs, bogies shock absorber and chassis
• Measurement of lateral strength and lateral strength
• Automatic test of vertical load and lateral slip
Bogie Test Stand
• With two electric or hydraulic pressers and optional chasse test device
• Bogies geometric data can be measured manually or automatically by sensors and measuring cameras
• Possibility of inserting load cells to check the force on the wheel axles and of inserting a third horizontal piston to check also the front or lateral thrusts
• Possibility of performing also fatigue tests with the hydraulic system
• Possibility of performing tests on railway springs, using a suitable support
• Measuring the height of the bogie
• With auxiliary rails to move the bogie to the press position
Dynamic Test Benches for Motor and Trailer Bogies
• Do dynamic tests on railway and metro bogies with 2 or 3 axles
• Normally used for operational testing of bogies, predictive maintenance or for the after maintenance testing
• Measuring of rotation speed, temperature, vibrations, noise and electrical valves on the motors
• Testing the brake system of the bogie